Wednesday, 5 March 2008

English notes

Unexpected free. School email is down. Don't have my USB and need to somehow put this up somewhere so I can retrieve it from home. Ergo, this is the first place I thought of. Don't have much time. Can't full sentences. Gotta copy and paste. They're mine, don't copy them. :D

They're unfinished I'll finish them later but I need to get this to myself at home.

Brief notes to be utilized on Brave New World Essay Question

Discuss in further depth, the emotional poignancy and symbolism of John’s death.
1. The symbolism of his death in a lighthouse as a metaphor for him being a moral beacon to society and a warning to the dangers of their ignorance, scientific development and the general mechanisms of their society. Further discuss the emotional and psychological damage sustained by John throughout the duration of his stay in both worlds.
2. Discuss his feet pointing to the cardinal points, not only in symbolic proclamation of his message, but also constantly searching direction, even in death John is portrayed as the lost character seeking peace amidst the two extremities of the Brave New World and the Savage Reservation.
3. Example: “Slowly, very slowly, like two unhurried compass needles, the feet turned towards the right; north, north-east, east, south-east, south…”
4. Example: “Orgy of Atonement” paradox.

The bastardization of the Christian Mass in chapter 5, Part two.

1. Utilizes this to portray the wildness of his citizens. Satirical irony. The World State has abolished Christianity and any forms of religion, yet as the Christians did with paganism, ‘appropriated,’ in this case satirically bastardized its forms. Ironic ‘Solidarity Service.’
2. Example: “Twelve of them ready to be made one.” Refers to the Last Supper, Twelve apostles. Etc.
3. Christian symbols which are contraband are utilized, mocks the wild idiocy of the Brave New World. The Christian Mass which is an event of reverence, subservience and prayer is ironically portrayed here as a ceremony of uninhibited sexual pleasure and the sharing of drugs ironically like the wine which held ‘the Blood of Christ.’
4. Example: “The loving cup of strawberry ice-cream soma was passed from hand-to-hand.”
5. Example: “Made the sign of the T”

The extended bastardization of the Christian Mass and religious celebration. Lenina.

Ciao, ciao

Until next time-

- deeh xox

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