Monday, 22 October 2007

Life kicked my ass again. AGAIN.

Yup it's confirmed. He has a girlfriend.

Harriet was right and all sense of hope has been extinguished. I'm glad I prepared myself for the worst though. I'm not that very disappointed. If you don't get your hopes high then you don't fall very far. I asked my friend about it, feigning indifference (like I didn't care, you know) and couldn't help but feel a pang of regret when she said. "Yeah, they're the same." She called her "Kuya's (insert his name here)(insert her name here)." In any other circumstances that would be so sweet, but of course life likes to be a pain in the ass and these aren't any other circumstances.

I want to lament somehow, I don't know cry or eat chocolate or something but I won't. I did that last night. I shed a tear or two but I'm ok! :) Daijoubu desuyo!

So now I shall humbly step down, curse life and myself for my shitty timing and surpress my feelings once more. Life cuts you all the time, only until we develop callouses.

I'm used to this, so this shouldn't be so bad. I'm hurt, and pretty upset but I'll be ok.

For what is life without death?

What birth without pain?

What is love without hate?

And what is a rainbow without rain?

- until next time.

- deeh.

A shout out to jelly!! First boob. LoL. We get that.

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