No, I am not doing a critical analysis of Austen via a feminist reading of the text. That would have been highly interesting though.
My point is: PERIOD PAIN. Last night was the worst it has been in years. I remember the last time it was that bad, I was in year 6, it was one of the first times I had gotten it and I was up ALL NIGHT clutching a hot water bottle, watching those American God shows.
Last night I seriously think that my period pain and/or feministic pride completely jeopardised my chances of receiving a decent (by my own standards) grade in modern. I didn't study. I had to do English in homeroom, before school and during lunch. WHY?
Because I hate my body! That's why! I mean, not in that anorexic way, I'm relatively content with my shape, I mean in the way that's WHY DO I HAVE TO HURT SO MUCH AND OTHER WOMEN DON'T. Hey, it could be worse - I know.
It's just that I spent 3 hours last night in an unproductive, and perhaps counter-productive stupor rolling around on my bed writhing in pain whilst I desperately clutched my pillow. I was bawling my eyes out for heaven's sake. It was like someone just grabbed two Phillip's screwdrivers, rammed them into my ovaries, twisted it around, ripped them out of my body and leaving them hanging by my fallopian tubes, then started masticate and mutilate the shit out of them by stabbing it repeatedly. It's like a heart attack of the ovaries.
My mum being very nurturing at that moment gave me panadol, and so I succumbed to the drugs. BUT THAT'S WHEN THE BACK PAIN STARTED. Sheesh.
Meh. I have to go. Heaps of homework yo!
Damn you Oswald. Damn you conspiracy theories AND DAMN MY HAND FOR NOT WRITING FAST ENOUGH.
I think when it comes to period pain, I am outlandishly masochistic. I like the pain in that way and I have no idea why.
It was funny though, there I was writhing in my bed distraught by this civil war with my body and itself, and there in comes Tim like the Swiss with a peace offering of Outback Steakhouse chips.
Veyr nice.
Comfort food.
O WAIT! MY PMS STATE MANAGED TO INSULT MR. GRUMBLE! Seriously. He was impressed that I was beginning to fight back, and then prattled on with some sexist bullshit about how I should be used to being subjugated as a woman. Idiot.
Rachael: "Sir," *pointing to yearbook picture* "After this photo I have completely lost any respect I had for you."
Me out of no where: "You actually respected him before?"
Until next time -
- deeh xox
une: Dear JFK,
Dear Grumblebutt,
Deeh > You.
Major pwnage bitch.
deux: thank god you say it loud now
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